Retrocomputing Retrocomputing


Ponder some reasons or not.
Read some manuals.
The CPU simulator binaries and READMEs and stuff.

Hardware pix:
Burroughs E1400? Accouting Machine processor
DD60 keyboard leaning on wall behind door
Definitive DD60 keyboard layout

Deadstart panel diagrams:
6000/Cyber 70
Cyber 170
Cyber 180

Related links:
Bayview Club
VCFe 2.0
Cybers at TNO-FEL
Core module
CDC 810
CDC 6500&Cyber 170/750
CDC 6000 Series
CDC 960 at VCFe
iCDC 6600 & 7600

Broken links:
Read NOS tapes on VMS.
Some UofM NOS utilities..