60420000 H

Cyber 170 model distinguishing characteristics


Many components of the system models are functionally the same or similar. For these components, the manual provides a common description. Components with the different function have individual descriptions that are identified by the system model number (table 1-1).
Components 171 172 173 174 175 176
Central processor-0 x x x x x x
Central processor-1 * * - x - -
Compare/move unit for CP-0 * x x x - -
Compare/move unit for CP-1 (optional compare/move
unit must be installed for model 171)
* x - x - -
Central memory control x x x x x -
Memory control - - - - - x
Central memory, eight banks in CSU-0 x x x x x -
Central memory, eight banks in CSU-1 * * * * x -
Central memory, 16 banks - - - - - x
Peripheral processor subsystem-0 x x x x x x
Peripheral processor subsystem-1 * * * * * *
Peripheral processor units - - - - - x
I/O multiplexer - - - - - x
Logic scanner - - - - - x
One data channel converter for PPS-0 * - - - - x
Two data channel converters for PPS-0 * x x x x -
Two data channel converters for PPS-1 * * * * * *
Display controller x x x x x x
Extended core storage coupler * * * * * -
One 3-ton internally mounted condensing unit x x x - - -
Two 3-ton internally mounted condensing units * * * x - -
Large core memory extension - - - - - x
Extended core storage subsystem * * * * * -
One 10-ton externally mounted condensing unit - - - - x *
Two 10-ton externally mounted condensing units - - - - - x
Power distribution unit - - - - - x
Display station (first) x x x x x x
Display station (second) * * * * * *
x Standard
- Not available
* Optional